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Called when a fragment is being created as part of a view layout inflation, typically from setting the content view of an activity. This may be called immediately after the fragment is created from a tag in a layout file. Note this is before
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La cocciniglia è unito dei parassiti più comuni il quale infestano le piante per giardino. Questi insetti si nutrono della linfa delle piante, causando terribile danno e quandanche la sparizione della pianta stessa. Fortunatamente, esiste un rimedio semplice ed efficace per battagliare la cocciniglia: l'combustibile bianco.
It typically makes sense to re-parse the parameters each time, to allow them to change with different configurations.
The Transition that will be used to move Views out of the scene when the fragment is removed, hidden, or detached when not popping the back stack. android:fragmentReenterTransition
Context: The calling context being used to instantiate the fragment. This is currently just used to get its ClassLoader.
Called when all saved state has been restored into the view hierarchy of the fragment. This can be used to do initialization based on saved state that you are letting the view hierarchy track itself, such as whether check box widgets are currently checked.
The details fragment showing the contents of a selected item just displays a string of text based on an index of a string array built Con to the app:
Sopra the case where an old fragment is restored from a previous state and it does not appear Per the layout of the current state.